
Cab 124 Clear

Cabs play a vital role in Iqaluit ferrying people to and from their daily life. I got the chance to spend an afternoon ridding around with a cabbie named Tom. He moved north 19 years ago, married a local girl and is now not only a father but also a grandfather. Although having worked many different jobs over his years in the North Tom has often fallen back on the easy money and access to a vehicle that cabbing provides.


Spring time in the Arctic

Photos from Iqaluit's annual spring celebration, Toonik Tyme,  this past April 2010.



New York Underground

Living in New York City, the subway is a part of your everyday life. Like arteries they pulse, taking and leaving the endless masses who nourish the city.


New Years Eve

Brooklyn New York, New Years Eve 2009/2010.


Children of Thanksgiving

American Thanksgiving, affectionately known as "Turkey Day," is the way-point-holiday between Halloween and Christmas. It is a day when the streets of New York City swarm with children trying to catch a glimpse of Macy's, Thanksgiving Day Parade. More interested in the lively faces of those watching the festivities then the parade itself, I turned my camera back on the crowded streets to capture a glimpse of the children of Thanksgiving.